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Showing posts from April, 2018

Blog Post 8 Intro

Introduction Species are going extinct at a rapid rate. What if you are the cause of that? Well you may be if you operate a gas powered vehicle or use electricity. Experts estimate that the loss of species is 1,000 to 10,000 times higher than the natural extinction rate (WWF). Animals are dying faster than anyone had expected. Hinting people are doing something wrong that is altering species way of living causing them to die. Species environment are also becoming unstable do to human activity. Pollution adds chemicals, noise, heat, even light to an environment (ck-12). Causing global warming, habitat destruction and over population. Humans polluting the environment has triggered animal extinction.


A lot of my classmates did a great job with their presentation. They were loud and I could hear them very clearly. To improve presentations probably not staying in one spot. Also not going through the presentation so quickly. Not reading exactly from the board and not facing the board instead of the crowd the entire time. In my presentation I had great information to give in a simple manner. My paragraphs weren't long but i'm sure the class learned something new. I can improve my presentation by not being so nervous and speaking louder? In all the class did a great job!