Russia Probe [Fox News- White House ] LOGOS ; Sarah Sanders didn't have any evidence in the claims she was making. Bill even asked if someone informed her that the situation was coming to an end and she basically said "she" or "they" just believed it was. She was saying it was based on facts but not giving any. PATHOS ; She was also trying to connect with the audience emotions by saying all the president wants is to take care of his people, specifically middle class. ETHOS ; She was trying to persuade people in believing and repeating that the democrats were at fault.
Russia Probe [Fox News- Tomi Lahrens ] PATHOS ; She is using "we" and "I speak for Americans" to try to connect to emotions. ETHOS ; She sais nothing about Trump but goes on and on about Hillarys mistakes but "we may never know" about Trumps. LOGOS ; All she is saying is based on opinion. Doesn't give any evidence.
Russia Probe [CNN - New York Times] LOGOS ; In the video Mark informed us that Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying to FBI. Mark also informed that Papadopoulos also implied Russia said they had dirt on Hillary. So not only did he plead guilty, but the piece revealed was key to investigation. ETHOS ; Mostly facts displayed throughout the video, Mark speaking the way he did with facts and the confidence of what he is saying is true helps us realize the dominant "assumptions" he is making. PATHOS ; You also have someone who admitted to the crime, so they kept making sure that we knew he admitted to the crime.
Russia Probe [ MSNBC - Morning Joe ] PATHOS ; Matt is saying "It is pretty clear if you were paying attention." To connect to the audience emotions from the bat. They are also explaining that connecting pieces together and all the pieces they've connected make perfect sense now just by knowing that right after Papadopoulos spilled that secret the emails came out. LOGOS ; Trump blamed the investigation on something else, but they read the emails to and from Papadopoulos w/ the Russians. The time chain connects more w/ what New York times is saying then what Trump is. ETHOS ; They have that timeline set up to convince people that they are right and all Trump had is a Tweet and they made sure we knew that. Also the lady with the blonde hair at the end (don't know her name) makes sure she adds "Make sure you don't hire any drunk loose lips" just adding salt to the pepper.
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