The title tells a lot about what the song is intended to do. He is literally playing for a change in humanity. The video uses elements of Rhetoric to create an argument in a visual way. In order to make the video he needed the equipment to do so. In order to make the video he also needed to find talented musicians, who knew how to play different instruments and sing. He traveled to video people from different countries. They are all connecting to one another through music or this particular song. Everyone who was featured was outside. To emphasize that we are all part of this world, all humans and equal. Everyone was outside to dwell on humbleness. The words that most appealed to me were "Always need somebody to stand by you," and by that he meant someone you know, maybe someone you don't know, or maybe even someone from another country but everyone needs somebody. The images that most impacted me were when he started showing the people and naming the countries from around the world. Everyone was different but they all know how to spread love which supported the message.What you need to know to understand this message is love. Love for others, even strangers or people who may not have the same culture or style as you etc. Knowledge created by this message is to spread love wherever with whomever. You will change the world even a little at a time. Also peace, how people can find peace in each other even with being a bit different. The message is delivered through a music video, which is a more artistic approach. The video argues against violence because he is not playing music of hatred or vulgarity. He is playing music of peace and love intended to create a domino effect to spread peace and love around the world.
PlayingForChangeVEVO. “Playing For Change - Stand By Me.” YouTube, YouTube, 6 Nov. 2012,
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